Sunday, September 2, 2012

Ok, so I have been pretty much settled in  Kokshetau for a week.  There are  over 20 other international teachers now, and the "settling in" has been arduous.  Finding the right accomodations, making sure we had everything we needed, such as Internet, and ...Internet!!  But seriously, some places needed more vamping up than others, and the local teachers who helped us have been great!

I have gone to the local veggie market( pictures to come), and it is amazing!  Pretty much every vegetable you would like ( sans spinach sorry Dad!) you can find at a vendor, and they have literally just pulled the stuff from the ground!  My first experience in the market was hilarious, I wandered around looking at the wares,, as I ventured to a carrot vendor to seek a price, the difficulty ensued!  She began shouting about her produce in Russian ( which I do no know), and I could only say please, and how much! Haha.  I believe she became so frustrated/ sorry for me, that she GAVE me two carrots!  

Inside in the meat market was a different story.  Fresh meat hanging ready to be cut the way you want.  There are sections- horse, cow,goat are together.  On the other side there is pork and poultry.  Can you imagine, the whole animal, you just ask for what section you like!  Great steak, and bacon-0oooh boy, good slab of bacon!

The most wonderful thing i have found is the people are so friendly.  Everywhere we go, people are kind  to us.  When people hear us speaking they come over and try to talk with us.  Everyday, I try to learn a little more Russian and Kazakh, so that the local teachers and neighbors will see I am trying, just like they are.


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